Casio GWM-5600-1AER DST Update (Module 3063)

 Casio GWM-5600-1AER DST Update

Hello fellow Casio lovers, owners and collectors from around the world. I hope you are all well!

As some of you may be aware, some of the Countries in the World follow a DST change in time. In the UK, this will be one hour plus in Spring and back one hour in Autumn. DST stands for "daylight saving time" and has a history all of it's own. DST is mostly used in the northern hemisphere, but I am sure many Countries have their own version.

Therefore at this time of year, watch owners around the globe need to manually adjust their watch accordingly. From the humble Casio watch up to the heights of Rolex or Audemars Piguet, they will all need adjustment. This can be a nightmare for the luxury watch owner, as when the crown wheel is pulled from the watch to adjust or wind, the stem can quite easily snap. That's why owners of such watches have mechanical winders and never let the watch stop. Therefore, twice a year the mechanical watch owner risks damage to their watch. Few realise the risk until it is too late, ending with a broken stem and winder. Such mistakes can cost hundreds of £'s to repair and will also need a service.

With the little mechanical watch lesson over, I would advise to buy a Casio GWM-5600-1AER which will so everything you need, including an automatic setup of the DST depending on your Country you live in. The GWM-5610-1 is apparently the replacement to the GWM-5600 but having not owned one, I cannot say how good they are, but I have read excellent reports of this watch. 

I am in no way sponsored by Casio in any way shape or form. I only speak from experience I myself have had with my Casio watches. The GWM-5600-1AER was my best friend on the building sites for more than 10 years. Not many watches would survive, yet this watch did. Paint spills, cement, diesel, petrol, oil, plaster, diving in Spain and it's still here and kicking! It doe's have some scars, but it has aged well. 

My last words on this watch are, it's the best watch I have ever had and unlikely to be beaten on any level. The replacement model GWM-5610-1 are still available and cost around £99.99. However there are models used models from around £60, which could be a great investment.

A tough watch for a tough life and sets up the DST!!

Well Guy's, that's it for today and remember to adjust your watch (if you need to).

Thanks for reading and take care. 2023


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