Casio AQ-450G Ana-Digi Watch (Module 315)

 Casio AQ-450G Ana-Digi Watch (Module 315) 

11/5/2023 Updated 10/102023 

Hello Casio watch enthusiasts from around the World. I hope you are all well.

I have, just won this vintage AQ-450G from auction and is here.

It looks awesome and feels substantial on the wrist.

The battery is almost flat and the mechanical hands stopped working. I hope this is simply a battery fault. 

As I stated, the watch looks in excellent condition for a watch of more than 25 years old. The case, strap, display's and glass have minimal marks of which I am very happy about. 

 I love the way the strap sweeps up right to the surface face of the watch and the square design buttons that need a good clean. 
My only worry is the mechanical workings of the watch and with that in mind, I need to replace the battery as a matter of urgency. As usual, I will remove the strap to expose the watch back clip. 

With the strap removed, I quickly removed the back of the watch so I could remove the battery, identify it and order one immediately. Thankfully, the back still has the rubber gasket attached.

After removing the battery I gave the internals a detailed visual inspection and found no evidence of battery leakage or acid damage. What I will say is, I have never seen a setup like this in any other Casio ana-digi watch. It is a strange setup indeed. For example, the  AQ-340's digital and analogue circuitry are completely integrated into one piece. This looks like two separate time pieces in one case. A very strange setup.

The battery I removed was a type 371 button cell by Renata. The 371 type cell (battery) can be identified by many other code's used by different manufacturers/Country's but they are exactly the same cell (LR920, AG6, 171 etc). As this watch was quite a large investment for my collection, I have ordered a Duracell battery to ensure the correct operation and insurance against battery leakage. As I have said in other posts, it is simply false economy to  buy cheap batteries, as they WILL destroy your watch.

Thanks for reading and take care fellow Casio enthusiasts!!


Update 10/10/23

I have waited a while to update this post as I have been monitoring the battery life on the watch. I stated that, I was hoping it was simply a battery fault, and I hope it still is. Hence the monitoring of the watch. So my conclusion over five month goes like this,
The mechanical hands are running faster than the LCD display, somewhere in the region of 2 seconds a day if my calculations are correct. Also, the LCD display is still quite dim in certain lighting. However, I have to take into account the watch is more than 25 (could be 30 plus) years old and these things happen to watches of this age. It will happen to any watch of this age, mechanical or otherwise. Besides, I was well aware of the risks of buying an old watch.
Other than the accuracy of the mechanical hands and the dim LCD, I am very happy with the watch and it is in otherwise excellent condition. I have taken some new pictures as the one's I have used above are not that good and don't show a lot of detail.

As you can see, the watch is in excellent condition and I still love it.

A little closer!

Looking good on all sides!

Again a little closer.

Looking like new again!

And another close up, to end this little montage of the Casio AQ-450G watch.
I hope you have enjoyed and maybe learned something from this post.
Please join me again soon for further watch adventures.

Until then, take care.


Casio Tribe 2023


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