Casio AB-200 Data Bank Watch Battery Change (Module 321)

Casio AB-200 Data Bank Watch Battery Change

 (Module 321)


Hello Fellow Casio enthusiasts from around the world. 

In this post I am going to be changing the battery in my Casio AB-200 watch.

If you have read my previous post on the AB-200, you will realise I had been looking for a good example of this watch for some years. I bought the watch in June 2022 but have no history of the watch, like when the last time the battery was changed. To be honest, I should have changed the battery when I first got the watch as a battery leak can be fatal for any watch. I have never worn the watch as I have a fear of damaging it or losing it as it cannot be replaced easily. The watch is kept in a case and the case is stored in a drawer and I check it quite regularly. Today was the day I checked my watch and I was horrified to find the mechanical hands had stopped working and the LCD display was quite dim and not as clear as usual. In panic, I quickly grabbed my tools and set about removing the old battery as fast as possible. The last thing it needs is a battery leak. 

My AB-200 ready to undergo a battery change. 

Although the mechanical hands have stopped, the LCD segment is still functioning, albeit a little faded. I have changed many Casio watch batteries over the years and with various models, but never an AB-200. Wish me luck.

As with any watch I work on, I always remove the strap first so it doesn't get in the way and makes the job a lot easier. 

The spring bars are pushed out through the holes on the shoulders of the watch with a small tool. The Casio AQ-320 has the same design.

 I can now remove the six small screws holding down the back case.

Thankfully the battery is simply clipped into place and can be removed using a sewing needle. As I stated previously, I have never opened the watch before, so whilst it's open I will clean wherever I safely can.

I have now removed the battery and visually inspected the battery compartment for leakage and I can happily report there was no leakage. The watch battery compartment was dry and so was the battery. PHEW. I was worried there would be damage but it's clear and I'm happy!

After the visual inspection and relief of there being no damage, I gave the internals a good clean. As I had not opened up the watch before, I had no idea what battery would be required, therefore I do not have a direct replacement at hand to install. I am going to have to order replacement battery today. Therefore, I am going to rebuild the watch whilst I am waiting for the battery, this should ensure parts do not get lost or misplaced. 

I also took the opportunity to clean the back case and the watch sea (above).

After carefully replacing the seal, screwing down the back case and replacing the strap, I can now identify the battery as an L1131F. It is quite a slim but wide battery. As you can see, the manufacturer of the battery is a company called Vinnic. I have never heard of this company before now. I will try to find an equivalent Sony or Duracell battery as these manufacturers are less likely to leak in the future and I need not to worry so much.

Small update 9/10/2023 @ 20.48hrs.
The L1131F battery is also known by the following codes that are below if you are interested:-
389 Watch battery SR1130W, AG10, SR54, SR1130, LR1130.

I have ordered two Duracell batteries, that cost me £2.49 including delivery. They should be here by Thursday 12/10/23. I think that was very good value for money. 

Update 14/10/23

Today the batteries finally arrived, albeit 2 days late. Better late, than never. 

As I had shown earlier in the post, I reassembled the watch so I didn't lose any parts and now I need to take it apart again as shown below.

It is not the easiest watch to disassemble as there as six tiny slot head screws fastening the case to the watch, which are difficult to remove but even harder to put back in. The main case has threaded metal inserts where the screws attach the back case and can easily be cross threaded. I also lost a screw whilst changing the battery. DOH!! I will try and find a replacement screw.

I wasted no time in reassembling the watch as I had already lost a screw, so I pushed on and got it done as can be seen above.

The LCD display is now bright and clear and can be seen easily. The mechanical hands are also operating perfectly. I can now rest assured that the watch is ok for at least another year with the new battery installed. I can also rest assure that the Duracell battery will not leak into the watch and ruin it. As I have said numerous times, I searched for a long time to find a decent AB-200 and I don't want to destroy it whilst in my ownership as I do intend to pass it down to one of my children.

And that is all for this post my friends. I hope you enjoyed it and maybe learned some knowledge of the legendary Casio AB-200.

Thank you for reading and take care! 2023



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